Our product is secure by design, where every change and feature in our product goes through secure coding guidelines, code analyzer tools, vulnerability scanners, and manual review processes. Our security framework based on OWASP standards, implemented in the application layer, provides functionalities to mitigate threats.
Data security
Our framework ensures that each customer’s data is logically separated from other customers’ data. Furthermore, we provide encryption at rest as well as in transit to protect our customers’ data. Data retention and backup happens in a secure manner.
Our disaster recovery and business continuity programs help us provide you with high availability. This ensures that operations carry on smoothly with minimal or no loss of time, if one Data Center fails.
Operational security
We have a logging and monitoring system to ensure clean and secure traffic through our servers. We use intrusion detection and prevention systems to ensure protection and prevent misuse of our infrastructure. We use a combination of certified third-party scanning tools and in-house tools to manage vulnerabilities.
All sensitive data information are encrypted end to end including data at rest and in transit using user management and access control/ restriction are followed to ensure only the right people have access to data at the right time
Security patches are applied without impact to end users on frequent basis. Product improvements are done on monthly and quarterly basis and made available to all users
Access to converted documents is tightly regulated using authentication. Only authorized users with proper credentials can access files. We maintain access logs for auditing.
After file processing, you control what happens next. Download securely, store in your desktop or another EDMS, or you can choose automatic deletion based on your preferences.
We regularly assess and test our systems for vulnerabilities and employ strong intrusion detection and prevention measures to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.